Look in the mirror as a window to the ancient oriental culture.
114,00 EUR *
Ready for shipment 24 Hours
265,99 EUR (70 %) gespart!
our old price: 379,99 EUR
valid until 12/31/2024

Moroccan Mirror Wedat medium -

Condition II.choice see pictures You can expect 100% hand-worked materials in our individual mirrors from India in the Oriental or Moorish style

These mirrors were manufactured in painstaking handwork.

This unique mirror is made of wood, covered with metal and subsequently decorated in painstakingly by hand.

This mirror is decorated by hand, beautiful antique pattern, where this technique is a handicraft art which requires a lot of time, patience and particularly a lot of experience.

Look into the mirror as a window to the old oriental culture.

  • Size : HxW HXB 110x60cm
  • Color: see Image
  • Hanging fixtures are located at the back.
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